Kelsey Can–Brussel Sprouts

It hasn’t been very long ago that I tried my first brussels sprout. I loved them! I wanted to try different recipes because I feel like it’s a vegetable no one ever buys. It took me 22 years to finally taste one! I was at a restaurant and had their version of brussel sprouts. They. Were. AMAZING! I tried recreating the recipe for myself. They were almost as good!

Bacon, Blue Cheese Brussle Sprouts

Bacon, Blue Cheese Brussle Sprouts


1 bag brussel sprouts (the frozen kind you steam in the bag)

2 pieces of bacon, cooked, grease reserved

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar

1/4 cup blue cheese

Cook the bacon, drain, and save about 2 teaspoons of grease in the skillet. While the bacon is cooking, steam the sprouts in the microwave. When they are finished steaming, pour the bag into the bacon grease. Cook them until they have a little crispiness to them. Add the two tablespoons of white wine vinegar. Crumble the bacon and sprinkle on top. Add the blue cheese to the top. After the cheese is melted a little, eat! They are delicious and so easy to do!